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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

world cup cricket final pics

world cup cricket final pics. Final of ICC Cricket World Cup
  • Final of ICC Cricket World Cup

  • spcopsmac21
    Apr 19, 06:58 AM
    Samsung is starting to be less and less innovative, they really are setting down at the drawing board , scratching their heads trying to come up with a design and then....." bing!!! their iphone mail alert just popped off and there is their next cell design!!

    world cup cricket final pics. Twenty20 Cricket World Cup
  • Twenty20 Cricket World Cup

  • dr_lha
    Sep 26, 03:49 PM
    I for one in disappointed they went with GSM
    Well it makes sense, most of the world uses GSM, it's a much larger market for Apple to aim at, combined with the much lower cost of only having to develop one phone.

    Plus Verizon are coonts.


    You're joking right? You realise these are pipe-dream mock ups right?

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  • watch cricket icc world cup

  • rockthecasbah
    Sep 19, 02:57 PM
    Personally, I'm not interested in buying movies for myself; I don't really like watching on the computer or iPod screen so i may as well buy the disk version of the movie and be happier on a larger screen :) . To those that are using it and enjoy, that's great. I just feel like there are many more people like me that will prefer to have physical movie versus a "digital" counterpart. Songs just seem more petty and i feel more comfortable downloading them, but movies... meh.

    world cup cricket final pics. world cup 2011 final cricket
  • world cup 2011 final cricket

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 4, 06:59 PM
    I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.

    Sorry the iToiletPaperDispenser is already out.

    world cup cricket final pics. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • PhatBoyG
    May 3, 11:54 AM
    Surely I'm not the only one who's noticed that the i7 is slower than the i5, and that the Radeon HD 6970M is slower than the 6750M.

    Whaaaaa? :confused:

    The baselines are different when you click the different models. The 6970M is most definitely faster than the 6750M.

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 28, 01:25 PM
    I see people still talking about big announcements at the Paris expo. Considering there will be NO keynote of any kind I find it unlikely.

    Agreed. I think there will be 'quiet updates' of the Mac range in the coming weeks, plus a 'Special Event' or two in the coming months for the announcements of the new iPods and Movie Store.

    world cup cricket final pics. Twenty20 Cricket World Cup
  • Twenty20 Cricket World Cup

  • cwt1nospam
    Jan 2, 09:25 PM
    It all comes down to training users.
    Maybe you can say that with OS X and and even Windows, but IOS is different in that the user can't run anything that isn't built in or doesn't come from the app store. That's what Android fans call "closed" or a "walled garden." It makes IOS even more secure than the Mac OS.

    Like I said before, there is no reason to think that targeting IOS will be even half as successful as the dramatically unsuccessful attacks on OS X over the last decade, no matter what Antivirus vendors would like you to think.

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  • homsar
    May 3, 10:21 AM
    Who has room for two external displays on a desk that already has a 27" iMac?! Dual outs on the MBP would make much more sense, although achieving it may be more of a technical challenge in terms of GPU power.

    ETA: Of course, having an external display connected directly and using the other ThunderBolt port for non-display ThunderBolt devices makes much sense, especially seeing as ThunderBolt devices can't be daisy-chained after a display. So I'm not saying the two ports don't make sense.

    world cup cricket final pics. in worldcup cricket final.
  • in worldcup cricket final.

  • sammyman
    Apr 30, 01:11 PM
    Time to buy a machine for my wife.

    Just hope they don't decide to redesign the iMac the beginning of next year like they plan to do with the Macbooks.

    world cup cricket final pics. Final cricket final world
  • Final cricket final world

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 28, 04:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    $100B past Microsoft in 1 year is tremendous. Go AAPL!

    when something jumps that quickly it tells you that value should be questions.

    world cup cricket final pics. World+cup+cricket+final+
  • World+cup+cricket+final+

  • R2D2 xx
    Mar 22, 01:13 PM
    What about the Mac Pro? It's way past due, would that come first, before the iMac?

    apple doesn't sell as many mac pro's so it's at the end of the list

    world cup cricket final pics. world cup cricket final pics.
  • world cup cricket final pics.

  • TonyC28
    Apr 20, 12:20 PM
    I can understand the privacy concerns here. I'm not a criminal so I'm not too worried about what might happen if someone gets my phone and figures out where I've been. The first thing I thought of when I read this is maybe if my phone wasn't needlessly doing this in the background I might get better battery life.

    world cup cricket final pics. As the World Cup Final draws
  • As the World Cup Final draws

  • Yebubbleman
    Mar 22, 08:06 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/22/potential-imac-update-to-sandy-bridge-and-thunderbolt-in-4-6-weeks/)


    As tracked in our Buyer's Guide (http://www.macrumors.com/buyersguide/#iMac), the iMac has reached its average update interval, suggesting that we might be able to expect refreshed models to appear some time in the relatively near future. Expectations for revamped iMacs include a move to Sandy Bridge processors and implementation of the new Thunderbolt connectivity standard that debuted in the MacBook Pro last month.

    In a series of Tweets (via MacNews.de (http://www.macnews.de/mac/imac-update-teil-2-mai-thunderbolt-sandy-bridge-160029)), CNET's Brian Tong claims (http://twitter.com/brian_tong/status/50234343263707136) to have received word from a reliable source (http://twitter.com/brian_tong/status/50234696809984000) that new iMacs should debut in late April or early May. The updated iMacs are said (http://twitter.com/brian_tong/status/50234522251444224) to feature Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt as expected, but no major cosmetic changes are reported to be included.iMac rumors have been relatively sparse in recent months, although DigiTimes indicated (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/12/15/imac-and-macbook-pro-upgrades-in-first-half-of-2011/) in mid-December that Apple was expected to update both the MacBook Pro and iMac in the first half of 2011 with the iMac featuring a new panel size and price points. Just days before the MacBook Pro update in late February, DigiTimes reiterated its claim (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/22/apple-to-update-imac-alongside-or-soon-after-macbook-pro/) that may change the screen size on new iMacs, claiming that the new models could debut alongside or soon after the MacBook Pros.

    Article Link: Potential iMac Update to Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt in 4-6 Weeks? (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/22/potential-imac-update-to-sandy-bridge-and-thunderbolt-in-4-6-weeks/)

    More surprising than this rumor is the fact that it's the first actual MAC rumor (beyond "we've found that the Early 2011 MacBook Pros have quirks" posts) in weeks. None of that is surprising though. I wonder if there will be any surprises with this refresh? I'm guessing no Blu-Ray, which means I'm not buying one. Though I'm still curious as to what'll be under the hood.

    world cup cricket final pics. Cricket World Cup #Final
  • Cricket World Cup #Final

  • valexa
    Apr 20, 10:47 AM
    Is the Program to read it Mac only or is there a PC version??


    A Mac is a Personal Computer (PC), so is a desktop running some Linux flavor.

    world cup cricket final pics. Watch Live World Cup Cricket
  • Watch Live World Cup Cricket

  • relimw
    Sep 14, 10:21 AM
    Yup. I agree. And I bet the new MBPs will ship immediately as well. What would be really cool is if Apple lowered the price of Aperture to $199 or so to make it more affordable to the photo piddlers among us. After all, surely Aperture 2 is going to have massive hardware and GPU requirements (read: QuadCore Mac + 4GB RAM + X1900 video card). That is really where Apple makes it's cash. Just dreaming, of course, because I can't justify a $300 software package when I'm just a dabbler. Lightroom beta has been fun though.
    No MBPs.

    Obviously, you didn't buy Aperture when it first came out, only to find out you were beta testing software for Apple. Now, if I can just figure out what to buy with my $200 store rebate. Maybe update from PS7 to CS2...hmm.

    world cup cricket final pics. WORLD CUP 2011 CRICKET FINAL

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 28, 07:17 PM
    Eat that micry

    world cup cricket final pics. Gallery: Cricket World Cup
  • Gallery: Cricket World Cup

  • Hodapp
    Sep 27, 12:25 PM
    Do the new Cingular phones with iTunes still have the 100 song limit? It is a ridiculously easy restriction to remove if you have the right software and access to a PC. I've got about 150 songs on my SLVR, which is all that will really fit on a 512MB card.

    world cup cricket final pics. world cup cricket final
  • world cup cricket final

  • SPUY767
    Aug 23, 09:44 PM
    Apple could blow a hundred million in legal expenses. It's less of an instance of throwing in the towel, and more of an instance of, "You know, the way idiot judges/juries hand out settlements these days, let's just give them a paltry sum, let them think they've won, and still destroy them in the MP3 market."

    world cup cricket final pics. ICC Cricket World Cup Final
  • ICC Cricket World Cup Final

  • justflie
    Sep 26, 09:25 AM
    You know, I'm thinking people really want an iPhone. And I'm also thinking that they want it so bad they won't even consider the source of this information.

    Usually, a rumor like this wouldn't get three pages of comments without somebody mentioning that this story comes from ThinkSecret. In case you're new here, MR readers have a habbit of panning ThinkSecret. It's worse than panning really, it's more like slaughtering any news that comes from ThinkSecret.

    It's fun to watch members battle out mobile providers.

    Ford! No, Chevy!
    I mean...
    Sony! No, Sony sucks, buy Panasonic.
    I mean...
    Verizon! Nooooooo, Verizon drips off donkey b*lls, go with Cingular!

    You folk crack me up. Thank you.

    HAHA! I was reading all of this and, at about the 2nd page, I thought the same thing as you did. ThinkSecret has really sucked at life lately, they probably got this rumor wrong. And besides, I want Verizon anyways.

    Mar 30, 11:54 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Microsoft is funny.

    Sep 9, 11:23 AM

    [INDENT]"Santa Rosa is currently developed by Intel as successor of the current "Napa" platform. Napa will receive a 64-bit refresh in September of this year ("Napa64") to support the launch of the Merom processor. Napa64 will be replaced by Santa Rosa in the first or second quarter of 2007.

    Wanna bet that Napa64 is 100% identical to ordinary Napa, apart from the fact that the CPU is Merom, instead of Yonah? Since Napa is a platform, just chaning the CPU to something else would mean that the platform has been refreshed.

    Apr 11, 07:30 AM
    Why can't we finally all switch to metric?!

    Why not to imperial?

    Apr 17, 10:16 PM
    There's such a thing as 'audiophile' (i.e. akin to fanboy, IMO) and HiFi (i.e. REAL improvements). I believe in the latter and put my money THERE, not magic tricks. And again, there is no shame or 'BS' about my delivery system. What is a shame is that you feel the need to blast something you don't seem to have even tried. There is no limitations with audio an iTunes that I can see. Other than FLAC or Orbis (I don't need either), what's missing? It does MP3, AAC and Apple Lossless.

    As for 720p, I could go into scalers and why 720p looks bad on many cheap-o 1080p sets (same reason any resolution less than native looks bad on monitors that don't have high quality scalers; my $600 LG 24" looks GREAT at all resolutions. My $300 LG 24" looks like blurry crap at anything other than native. Look into it. It's why you think 720p sucks. Look up eye resolving distance and you'll see everything I said is 100% true. Watching 1080p on a 42" set is POINTLESS at more than 6 feet or so. You cannot see more than 720p at that distance on that size set, PERIOD. That's not my opinion. It's SCIENCE. And no I don't have to play with 'channels' on my router. I don't know WTF you get these odd ideas from. I just select either 2.4 or 5.0 GHz and it goes without a hitch.

    Anyway, have fun with your system. I don't feel like sitting here putting it down just for the heck of it. I wouldn't touch Sonos with a 10 foot pole, personally (obscenely overpriced for what you get, IMO...a lot like Bose really). But if you enjoy it, that's all that matters.

    Sep 13, 08:53 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Rumors of an Apple Phone have been ongoing for years (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2002/08/20020818203655.shtml) with Apple laying claim to the domain iPhone.org (http://www.iphone.org) since 1999 and the trademark for iPhone (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2002/12/20021203005112.shtml) in 2002. Meanwhile, a number of Phone related patents (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060505202447.shtml) have also surfaced showing that Apple has been researching this option.

    Recently, analysts have claimed (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060905150232.shtml) that the Apple phone is essentially ready with a brief description:

    The design will be an iPod nano-like candy bar form factor and come in three colors

    Meanwhile, Steve Jobs has been said (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060811110535.shtml) to be talking up the upcoming phone, despite being traditionally secretive about unannounced products.

    One reliable MacRumors.com source has provided a more detailed description of one of the prototypes for the upcoming Apple Phone. The description has yielded this artist's rendition of the phone. The phone offers a familiar look to iPod owners, with the preservation of the iPod click-wheel.

    The click-wheel is closer to the bottom of the device with the screen taking a vertical orientation. The click-wheel portion of the device reportedly slides down to reveal a traditional numeric dial-pad underneath. The front is black, while the back is chrome like the current iPod.

    As an artist rendition, details such as the exact proportions of the screen are not necessarily accurate.

    The preservation of the click-wheel navigator could add credence to evidence (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060913170940.shtml) that iTunes has the ability to transfer the new iPod games to certain mobile phones. Jobs had stated that the games had been designed for click-wheel playability.

    http://images.macrumors.com/article/iphone_thumb.jpg (http://images.macrumors.com/article/iphone_macrumors.jpg)
    click for larger image (http://images.macrumors.com/article/iphone_macrumors.jpg)

    [ digg this ] (http://www.digg.com/apple/Apple_s_Phone_Revealed)