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Sunday, May 8, 2011

maksim chmerkovskiy twitter

maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy.
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy.

  • joepunk
    Apr 18, 08:48 PM
    That's incredible! How can that be the case? Here it is 28 days paid days off if you work a normal 5 day week.

    I wish we had that here. I'm amazed that some Europeans I have meet through the Disney College/International program want to live and work in the U.S. Now, working for Disney (free park admission) I can understand but not at the ~$7.00/hr that one would get paid when starting out as a regular cast member.

    Of course it could have been the few Norwegian's that I meet who wanted to stay in sunny warm Florida.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy and
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy and

  • dr Dunkel
    May 3, 04:44 PM
    They haven't fallen behind; they're just not interested in serving the market you're part of. Apple are interested in selling elegant, integrated, simple computers to ordinary people, and ordinary people play games on consoles.

    ...and we like to hook up our consoles to our monitors... I really hope this deal about the failed Target Mode is some kind of misunderstanding.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy, the
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy, the

  • appleguy
    Sep 4, 09:48 PM
    who knows they might release a mini mac style media centre with OSX that will be used to download the movies and allow you to burn it straight to DVD/Blueray lol :cool:

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy was
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy was

  • shelterpaw
    Oct 27, 11:51 AM
    Good for Apple. Get those tree hugging hippies out of there. Everytime Greenpeace complains Steve Jobs kills a baby seal.I think Steve Jobs considered himself one of those hippies. He only eats organic foods and is a vegan. He rides a bike too. We saw him ride to Stanford Shopping Center a couple months ago. I doubt he likes any group affecting his bottomline, but I bet he's pushing to make things more environmentally friendly. Plus, there's plenty of places to recycle electronics and I'm not sure why corporations are being held responsible. I'd imagine waste managment companies could offer that service as they do recycling for other products. I'm a firm believer that it's an individuals responsibility to recycle, but companies need to make an effort in the production process as well.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy#39;s hand
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy#39;s hand

  • brepublican
    Sep 5, 07:00 PM
    it seems like the reason this apple is broadcasting to the event is so that they can show how their new ichat streaming dot mac movie/video chat ipod pack works;) .
    I like that line of thought :) Prolly spot on too. SJ will announce about half way throught that they've actually been streaming over an Airport Express AV the entire time...

    "It wasnt a Jackal the first time you said, so why the hell would it be a Jackal the next 10 times?? Argh!"

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. And Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • And Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • peharri
    Sep 26, 02:48 PM
    Actually this is completely untrue.

    Last week I signed a secret, completely exclusive, contract with Apple for the iPhone. It'll only work on my home's DECT network.

    Despite this, I'm expecting millions of sales. People will buy it despite peharrinet's complete lack of coverage. So I don't have a problem with that.

    BTW, you'll need to agree to a 36 month contract, our base plan is just $50 a month and comes with unlimited mobile to mobile, plus three "anytime" minutes (charged in five minute increments.) Excess airtime is just $1/minute.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Is Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • Is Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • loungecorps
    May 1, 01:23 AM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.

    post production just got cheaper because of this. thunderbolt is being adopted quickly by company's the manufacture video equpment

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy celebrates
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy celebrates

  • G4DP
    Mar 22, 04:11 PM
    2012... 18 month update cycle? Far, far too long. No way... If that's the case, for the first time in 27 years, Apple doesn't get my money.

    Have you paid any attention to the upgrade cycle since the switch to Intel for the Pro Towers?

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • zwida
    Sep 10, 08:53 AM
    Well, Steve had to hold SOMETHING back to announce on the 12th. I don't think he wants a repeat of the iPod HiFi/leather case announcement, where people were saying, "Is that all?". I figure it has to either be updated laptops or AidenShaw's minitower. Well, in a few more days, we'll all know.

    Don't you think the new movie store and sexy new iPods are enough? I guess there might be some kind of new product launch (phone, or streaming movie device, or whatever), but I'll be surprised if there's any Mac hardware bumps of any kind during this speech. It just wouldn't mesh with the "It's Showtime" theme.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy Picture in
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy Picture in

  • nagromme
    Sep 5, 01:59 PM
    A start to movie downloads is for sure.

    But anything else might be postponed, so we must try to remain calm :)

    (It's all the OTHER rumors that interest me more. I highly doubt that iTunes movies will meet my standards at first--though I'm happy to see a step in that direction. If they're less than DVD quality they'd better be close AND very cheap. And until the selection rivals Netflix it won't see much use from me.)

    Re Core 2 Duo

    The iMac may get the headline (if a larger size is truly coming) but they could well update iMacs AND MacBook Pros simultaneously. Makes a good announcement that way.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy they
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy they

  • Warbrain
    Sep 26, 08:41 AM

    The only way the iPhone market even makes sense is via an Apple MVNO.

    Since when does Apple NOT want to "control the whole widget"? I don't want Apple controlled by the nutjob mobile providers.

    As much of an Apple fanboy as I am, I would never use Cingular. But beyond that, it signals that the Apple iPhone will be incredibly lame -- just another music phone (basically an Apple ROKR/SLVR), because that is pretty much all that Cingular trades in.

    MVNOs are expensive to lease from other networks and the whole mess of plans makes it a pain the ass. Apple would be better off making something like a smartphone, which is what the iPhone most likely is.

    And just because Motorola made ****** phones that ran iTunes on them doesn't mean that Cingular is the one that wants them. Moto was the one that ****ed it all up, not Cingular. If Cingular knew that the Apple phone was going to be great and not be totally crippled like the ROKR was - which was Apple's fault - then they would sell it regardless. Don't have such bias against Cingular. Verizon and Sprint aren't much better, either.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy Gallery
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy Gallery

  • John Jacob
    Sep 26, 07:44 AM
    What about India? I want me an iPhone!! :mad:

    And why the exclusive deal? Wouldn't that mean that Apple would sell LESS iPhone's? I can't see how an exclusive deal with Cingular/O2 benefits anyone other than Cingular/O2...

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Brandy and Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • Brandy and Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • Skika
    Apr 25, 01:11 PM
    Wow, you people...

    Let me clarify, i made my decision before this news was posted here. I really dont see nothing wrong with waiting on this refresh especially if it will be a huge step forward(which i believe it will be).

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. shes Maksim+chmerkovskiy
  • shes Maksim+chmerkovskiy

  • ChrisA
    Oct 12, 12:54 PM
    They might as well add a Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro too.

    My gues is that all these whiners would not even notice if you snuck in at night and swapped out ther procesor for a C2D chip. They'd just wake up the next moring fire up the computer and never even notice.

    It's like those audiophiles who argue endlessly about if gold plated or silver plated speaker wire sounds better.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy (Maksim
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy (Maksim

  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 04:42 PM
    Am Encoding H.264 Baseline Profile 640x480 To Test Old 5G Compatability. Takes much longer. Will report success or failure when it's done in another 35 minutes - about 3:15pm Pacific.

    iPod 1.2 update software made no mention of this newer H.264 maximum dimension feature. If it works it means a whole new paradigm for Video iPods. The 320x240 pixel restriction for H.264 to date made it a highly unattractive codec to use. Now it's a whole new ballgame if it works. HDTV May be encoded 640x360 max in H.264 for a much better encode. Crossing my fingers this will work. Please pray with me now. ;)

    Encoded H.264 Baseline Profile 640x480 Fails 2 Load On Old 5G

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. And Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • And Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • iMacZealot
    Sep 14, 08:34 AM
    Anyone know when we might see an update to the MacBook (not MBP)???

    Not on the 24th. Later in the fall maybe?

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy Drops
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy Drops

  • oootle
    Sep 5, 03:21 PM
    Showtime (with it having a capital S) could be the name of a new application?

    or maybe not, fun to speculate anyway lol

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy

  • mcrain
    Apr 20, 08:54 AM
    Always makes me lol to see someone attribute slavery to the "right". The mysteries of 7th grade history class, revealed for you:

    "The Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln thought no price was too great for the abolition of slavery and the creation of a society in which a man was not judged by the color of his skin."

    "The Democratic Party Platform presented a plan of "Compromise with the South", which ... would be to agree to make permanent the institution of slavery in exchange for an end to the Civil War and restoration of the Union. In other words, the Democratic party was ready to "Sell Out" the enslaved, in order to stop further loss of white lives."


    "an exclusively partisan Democratic organization in the South" ... "the southern Klan remained Democratic, closely allied with Democratic police, sheriffs, and other functionaries of local government. With continuing disfranchisement of most African Americans and many poor whites, the only political activity took place within the Democratic Party."


    You are right, but there is a great big asterick. The republicans a long, long time ago were the party that opposed slavery, and the southern democrats were the party more representative of slave owners.

    What might have changed since the days of Abe Lincoln? Considering his museum is about 200 steps from where I'm sitting right now, I'll offer an answer. The positions of the two parties shifted when the Republicans adopted the southern strategy.

    I find it funny (LOL) whenever Republicans point to Honest Abe as a standard bearer for their party when they turned their backs on what he stood for. If he were alive today, he would be a Democrat, and he would be ashamed of the efforts of his party to divide the nation into those who have vs. those who do not.

    Southern Strategy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)

    (edit) So, depending on how you look at it, both arguments are correct. Yesterday's Democrats were responsible for slavery, but todays "right" sounds an awful lot like yesterday's southern Democrats. In other words, the "right" by today's standards would have been yesterday's Democrats.

    From a 5 second google search - a different view of the same issue...
    I find it extrememely hard to believe that Abe Lincoln would be a Republican today since the Republican Party of the 1860s was a completeley different animal than today's conservative GOP. Even though he was a moderate, his party's base of support was in the Northeast/New England and was made up of former Whigs, Free Soilers, Radical Republicans and abolitionists (i.e., America's first "bleeding-heart liberals"). The Democratic Party was the party of "states rights", wealthy plantation owners and slave-holders, and rather arch-conservative elements.

    Abe Lincoln first made a name of himself by speaking out against the Mexican-American War in the Illinois legistlature, as a war that was only meant to expand slavery westward (can you say "ANTI-WAR LIBERAL")

    Abe Lincoln was also hated in the South (he didn't recieve a SINGLE VOTE in the South!), was even accused to being half-black, even though he was not as radical as some other Republicans.

    maksim chmerkovskiy twitter. Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Cheryl
  • Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Cheryl

  • uwetodd
    Apr 4, 11:44 AM
    You say yes, mall security guard says no.

    Sep 26, 10:03 PM
    Does anyone know if it is still possible to start a new wireless plan without a contract? I mean, the whole idea of the contract is to cover the phone subsidy, but if I don't want a new phone do I still have to get one?

    I've been considering switching to Cingular since I don't get any signal at all in my workplace with T-Mobile (the higher GSM frequency has trouble going through thick walls) but Cingular works great.

    I haven't been on a contract in about 5 years now, and I don't want to get back on one again, which is part of the reason I've stayed with T-Mobile.

    Sep 14, 01:15 AM
    gahhhhh.....these iphone rumors are driving me crazy....with anticipation. When is the gonna finally happen? Hopefully before the end of the year.

    Sep 4, 07:56 PM
    If you're like me, you don't have your Mac right next to your TV. Not only would I have to string a DVI/HDMI cable aaaall the way across the room, I would also have to get an equally long digital audio cable. Probably end up costing about the same as a video AirPort Express (if they keep the prices the same) but with the added hassle of getting those cables across the room.

    This would be a lot less expensive than buying a Mac mini, especially if you already have a powerful desktop just waiting to play some HD videos...Apple seems to agree with you. They want you to buy lifestyle products that complement your Mac and the iLife apps, as opposed to a sepearte 'Media Center' type hardware.

    For me personally, I fantasize about an inexpensive media server that connects to your TV and stereo components and also streams movies, music, photos, etc. to individual computers in your household. It'd basically be a Tivo on steroids. I think this device too can complement the rest of the Mac-iLife world quite nicely.

    Apr 19, 09:26 AM
    Look at the phone logo.

    Look at the the alarm/Clock logo.

    They just copied.

    Mar 30, 11:59 AM
    Microsoft is turning desperate a lot slower than I thought they would.