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Friday, April 29, 2011

9 Strange Phobias You Won’t Believe Exist

Arithmophobia – The Fear of Numbers

Strange Phobias

The fear of numbers is a factor that makes had a lot harder for many people suffering from it to learn mathematics and arithmetic properly. It is a condition where the brain simply cannot get around a number of figures and becomes frustrated and anxious because while they may want to achieve more, they find that there is a hidden obstacle in the way and this is that irrational fear.

Ithyphallophobia – Fear of Erect Penises

Strange Phobias

It is an abnormal and persistent fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis; also called medorthophobia or phallophobia.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear Of The Number 666

Strange Phobias

It is an intense and extreme fear of the number 666. The fear originated from the Biblical verse Revelation 13:18 which shows that the number 666 is the Number of the Beast and is related to Satan or the Anti-Christ.
Just like triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, this phobia is surprisingly common.

Decidophobia – Fear of Making Decisions

Strange Phobias

It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of making decisions. The person suffering from this phobia may actually fear making wrong decision and so is reluctant to make any decision at all.

Coulrophobia – Fear of Clowns

Strange Phobias

Coulrophobia is an abnormal, irrational fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Adults who are victims of coulrophobia know what they fear is completely irrational and illogical, but they can’t escape the circumstance.

Sesquipedalophobia – Fear Of Long Words

Strange Phobias

Sesquipedalophobia or Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia  is  the fear of long words is a phobia in which a person trembles and is overcome by irrational fear at the thought of pronouncing words of considerable length. Though we do not have exact estimates of how many people actually suffer from this phobia, it is believed that each year scores of people suffer from this condition. A person with the fear of long words shuns away from using and learning long words. Moreover, he also associates complicated and long words with negative emotions and begins to emote them with even the thought of uttering a complicated word.

Hedonophobia – Fear of Feeling Pleasure

Strange Phobias

It is an overwhelming and persistent fear of feeling pleasure. People suffering from this phobia usually feel guilty about the fact that they are indulging in a pleasurable activity while others around them or in the world are suffering with illness, grief, economic hardship and other painful problems.Their guilt may also arise from the belief that life is best lived ascetically (similar to the idea that, for a medicine to do good, it must taste bad).

Hamartophobia – Fear of Sin

Strange Phobias

Hamartophobia is an excessive fear of committing errors or sins or of doing the wrong thing and being condemned for it and it traditionally affects those with a deep and intense religious background.Hamartophobia is occasionally mis-diagnosed and may mask an actual serious illness such as Alzheimer’s, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Epilepsy.

Gephyrophobia – Fear of Bridges.

Strange Phobias

Gephyrophobia is an anxiety disorder brought about by the fear of bridges. As a result, sufferers of gephyrophobia may avoid routes that will take them over bridges.Fear of bridges is a relatively common phobia although most people with it do not know they have something called “gephyrophobia.” However, the derivation of the word “gephyrophobia” is perfectly straightforward (if you know Greek); it is derived from the Greek words “gephyra” (bridge) and “phobos” (fear).