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Monday, May 9, 2011

alessandro nivola

alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola
  • Alessandro Nivola

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 12:11 PM
    ...the desktop versions of the Core Duo processors which currently reside in Apple's MacBook, MacBook Pro and iMac computers.

    But the current Core Duos are "mobile" processors right? :confused:

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola,
  • Alessandro Nivola,

  • relimw
    Sep 14, 10:25 AM
    What is it with some of you guys? Does hope spring eternal, or what!

    Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".
    Funny, I always thought the laptop geeks here start screaming about a month after the laptops are updated, no matter what :D :confused: :eek:

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola, Emily
  • Alessandro Nivola, Emily

  • Machead III
    Aug 31, 02:00 PM
    I wonder if Apple will be able to provide the Movie Store to Europe and the rest of the world. If they can't, it's as good to me as if they didn't announce it at all. I mean look at TV Shows, what a disgrace, in Europe we might aswell still be running iTunes 4.

    I think a Movie Store should be seperate from iTunes. A new store for movies, a new app for managing them.

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola - Zap2it
  • Alessandro Nivola - Zap2it

  • cube
    Apr 22, 02:55 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    Hmm... Mobile quad core @ 45W. When are the mobile dual core coming out?

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola Photo
  • Alessandro Nivola Photo

  • Synapple
    Aug 31, 04:56 PM
    Sept. 12th is a Tuesday in Cupertino.

    lol... September 12th is a Tuesday worldwide :p

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola Actor
  • Alessandro Nivola Actor

  • pezmannen
    Apr 11, 09:38 AM

    Now I will be able to send Spotify from my ipad to my stereo connected mac-mini!

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola
  • Alessandro Nivola

  • iScott428
    Mar 29, 12:20 PM
    Although SL does not have a stupid name like snap for being able to put windows side by side, we have been able to do it for years and it is one of my favorite features of OS, and what a concept allowing me to move a window where ever I want it and scroll through the page even if it is not active. All of you W7 humpers please try and "snap" two excel or word files next to each other. Oh that right you cant, because heaven forbid I would want to do that and work simultaneous on two MS office files.

    Not sure why people are complaining about the Cut feature either, dragging works great and and so does Cmd+x;c;v, respectively.

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola.
  • Alessandro Nivola.

  • Wilbah
    Mar 22, 01:13 PM
    That the "pro" line- as in Mac Pro tower - will be the last in the line of machines to get the "thunderbolt" connectivity option.

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola and
  • Alessandro Nivola and

  • manic
    Sep 5, 03:10 PM
    In any event, unless it's HD (720p is fine) I'm not interested. For that matter, when they give me Lost in HD (and a good way to get it to my TV) I'll check out the TV shows.

    I would love that too, but im not convinced its feasible. 720p movie trailer downloads account roughly to 50mb for every minute. therefore, a 120min feature film would equal to 6GB. thats a lot of bandwidth, and the shoddy superdrives in current macbooks are only single-layer (grunf!).

    But if its real, and they manage it for ~$14, man, ill start (re)building my movie collection! dont really care for 1080p (actually, i do, but then 12gb per film is just too much for me to bother downloading)

    i guess if thats the case, 160gb 2.5" sata hds will be the absolute bare minimum, plus a stationary external hd with some 500+gb to cope with the new digital library AND time machine

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola Shirtless:
  • Alessandro Nivola Shirtless:

  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 11:51 AM
    It should be a dual-core Llano, not Sandy Bridge.

    Yeah, but Im pretty sure Apple is gonna follow their MO of matching the MBA with the guts of the 13 MBP...just like we had a C2D and 320m.

    Gosh dangit! If only they didnt handicap the 13 inch MBP with that horribly archaic display res. I dont know why people arent more "up in arms" about that. Why didnt they just give it the 1440x900 of the 13 MBA!!!!!!! Grrrrr!!!!! :mad:

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola Actor
  • Alessandro Nivola Actor

  • direzz
    Aug 28, 04:12 PM
    this goes to show how behind apple is in updating.
    clearly they arent ready to adapt to an intel platform. the cant even make simple processor adjustments on time!
    all the major companies have made this transition.

    apple needs to stop being so secretive. they need to start acting like a real computer company, and let there customers know when upgrades are coming.
    i wouldnt be surprised if we didnt see these upgrades till october.. no.. january.

    this is ridiculous.

    /end rant

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola at the 19th
  • Alessandro Nivola at the 19th

  • Number 41
    Dec 30, 09:55 AM
    At least be honest with the headline:

    McAfee Hopes 2011 Brings Reason for iUsers to own McAfeee Products

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola Gallery
  • Alessandro Nivola Gallery

  • prospervic
    Apr 25, 02:31 PM
    Great. Since Apple puts that crap hard drive in there, instead of simply using the computer someone has to go through all that trouble to get what they paid for (i7 processor)? Are you for real? That sounds great. I'm sure all those random people who buy from the Apple Store also buy the Apple torx screwdriver kit and get to work when they get home. :rolleyes:

    I recently changed the hard drive in my 2011 MBP. Electronics-size Phillips-head screwdrivers (No. 0 and No. 00) are all that's needed. Anybody who's handy with tools can do the job in about 15 minutes.

    Even though the 7200 rpm HD is not as fast as an SSD, the difference in boot-up, app launch and overall operation speeds are quite noticeable (with no observable change in battery life).

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola La vida sin
  • Alessandro Nivola La vida sin

  • oliversl
    Mar 29, 12:48 PM
    Regarding that news about Nokia not shipping Symbian in 2012, that means feature phones (80US$) will also be loaded with WP?

    Either way, Nokia is now the enemy. I used to love Nokia, so sad

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola (U.S. TABS
  • Alessandro Nivola (U.S. TABS

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Sep 5, 03:36 PM
    The one more thing would be the airport. If they introduce airport with video, they eliminate the need for a mac media center. The airport IS the media center, and you can use *any* mac to power it.
    While I agree, I disagree. I am not totally sold on wireless video networking. Filesizes are very large and god forbid it get interfierence with while you are watching a movie. Audio is OK because of very small birate. An airport "media center" is just not a good solution in some cases.

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola and Anne
  • Alessandro Nivola and Anne

  • thadgarrison
    Sep 19, 03:33 PM
    So much so, it is Wal-Mart who is pressuring studios to shun iTS, and to a large degree it is actually working.

    Not for long.

    Wal-Mart is God in the retail sector. They have far more power over the success of CDs and DVDs than Apple could dream of. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon, especially not as a result of Apple movie sales.

    alessandro nivola. Alessandro Nivola.
  • Alessandro Nivola.

  • ctdonath
    Apr 30, 03:52 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    what, you think there won't be any for the next 3 years?

    alessandro nivola. On View: Coco Avant Chanel
  • On View: Coco Avant Chanel

  • Rocketman
    Aug 31, 03:30 PM
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.


    alessandro nivola. candy: Alessandro Nivola
  • candy: Alessandro Nivola

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:33 AM
    You know what I hate more? effing speeders:rolleyes:

    Scratch that....effing speeders who don't even have a years worth of driving under their belt and think it's safe to go 20 over

    Man I wish the driving age was upped to at least 18

    It's people like you who piss me off when I am riding my motorcycle as you guys are so effing unpredictable it is dangerous for everyone around you. Never mind my bike can easily outgun pretty much any car out there trying to go fast...

    and you say you want to blow up cars obeying the law...unbelievable

    I am with you. When I read post like this it proves to me that 16 is to young at times. I know the stupid crap I pulled when I was 16 in a car and I got some lucky breaks and still had a 400 buck repair bill for my car and 400 bucks was be getting damn luck that I did not do more damage.

    I also remember thinking I was a great driver as well. Looking back damn was I wrong. I was a very crappy driver.
    His post has multiple things that shows that he is a bad driver and beyond the legal issues of doing 20 over he clearly does not know how to speed. The lady should never of had to make a quick maneuver to get out of his way.

    As for motorcycle I learned long ago to give them a wide birth because I know they have enough jack ass to tail gate them. I will rather give them plenty of room allowing myself extra reaction time as I know they can stop faster than I can and they do not have a metal body protecting them like I do.

    Unspoken Demise
    Nov 13, 01:21 PM
    which might just mean hiring more people to work with them on a daily basis.


    And at Rogue Amoeba: k bai

    With the FB guy, I was mildly interested, but now people are just gunna jump on this bandwagon. I dont care if you leave frankly.

    Sep 14, 09:56 AM
    If Apple DOES introduce C2D MacBook Pros at this, it will have to totally redesign the case to make it "invite event" worthy.

    If all that's being changed is the processor, or minor cae changes (like the addition of FW800 across the line), it will simply be done in silent, overnight fashion as was the case with the iMac update.

    That being said, I don't see such a radical case design this soon. That seems more like something where they'd like to focus on the computer itself, which wouldn't happen as part of a photo show.

    Why do people seem convinced Apple won't release something like an SLR or video camera?

    Also, there's always a chance that in addition to an Aperture update, we'll get TOTALLY NEW photo software; remember what happened with Final Cut Pro - first came it and then came a slew of other video products from Apple.

    Nov 14, 12:37 PM
    Lets see how long they will stay away. There are buckets of DOLLARS waiting to be made in the App Store.

    Yes, but only for Apple, because they own the infrastructure. We still haven't heard of a company that can really make a living with software for the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. So far, it's all just hype and even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps distributed through the AppStore, the only winner at this point in time is Apple.

    And to be honest, from a customer's perspective, I do hope that that the AppStore concept will fail. The AppStore as it is manifest a distribution monopoly for Apple, and monopolies -always- hurt the customer and prevent innovation. Imagine you could only obtain Mac application through the AppStore with similar rules: There wouldn't be a Firefox for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Safari. There wouldn't be an Adobe Lightroom for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Aperture. There wouldn't be any DVD or CD ripping software for the Mac because those apps could hurt Apple's iTunes sales. There probably wouldn't even be a Microsoft Office anymore because it competes with Apple's (inferior) iWork Suite. And, worst of all, all software authors would be FORCED to distribute their apps through the AppStore which would impose an Apple distribution tax on their software. As a result, they would all run away and write their apps for Windows instead. And Apple probably wouldn't even care because most of their customers are Internet-surfing consumers anyway who don't need much more than Safari, Mail and iLife to play with their photos and iPods.

    Sep 13, 10:59 AM
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, someone reply to my post....
    as a person who just purchased the last version of 5gen video ipod, this comes to me as quite a shock really.... i knew this was coming but actaully hoping that it was everything 'rumor' but turns out it's not.....

    anyway, my point is:


    although 30 and 80 seem to share most of the new features which are obviously crap(game? who plays that? and search bar? i don't need that crap, too shabby, biatch)
    but the thing is BATTERY, gosh

    they've plugged about how their new 80 gen has total 20 hrs of battery life and 6.5 hrs of video play, but what about freaking 30???? I SERIOUSLY WANNA KNOW.

    i've been to apple store and engadget for live broadcast, but there was no info whatsoever on 30's battery, other than its MAXIMUM battery was 14.... the thing i wanna know is its VIDEO MAXIMUM BATTERY.... is it, again 2 hours? i hope so!! cause i just bought this ol' **** at such higher price and now i feel totally duped. well it was my fault in the first place but i thought it was all RUMOR......................GAWD

    Did you fall asleep watching it? He started the dicussion on battery life WITH the 30gb model and explained the improvement there before mentioning the 80gb. True, the 80gb was discussed a tad bit more, but the wrap up on price, songs held, display brightness AND batttery life watching video covered the 30gb.

    Edit: I stand corrected on what's on the site. You're right about that. Even in the detailed comparison only music battery life is compared. Of course, you could simply compare that spec and get a ratio you could apply. A 30gb should have 4.55 hours of video capacity.

    Apr 20, 10:36 AM
    Oh cool! With iPhoneTracker.app I can see where I've been on my travels! :)